Ten years of J-WAFS

J-WAFS celebrates its 10-year anniversary by championing the faculty, students, and other community members whose research, innovations, and expertise have made a meaningful impact in water and food across the globe. 

This spring, we are presenting highlights of the important work J-WAFS has supported since our launch ten years ago. Each month will showcase an area of impact, with corresponding articles and pieces—starting with faculty in February, followed by research in March, students/alumni in April, and concluding with commercialization in May. We begin with a retrospective overview from our founding director, Professor John H. Lienhard V. Make sure to check back on this page as content will be added continually throughout the semester!

Anniversary kick-off message from J-WAFS founding director John H. Lienhard

J-WAFS ushers in its first decade under new direction

Faculty impact stories

Join us on May 22 for the J-WAFS 10th anniversary celebration event!

J-WAFS funding opportunities

Learn about our impact since our inception

A type of infographic with five different colored blocks, each with an icon and text describing different J-WAFS impact statistics. The J-WAFS 10th anniversary logo is in the top with the words Celebrating 10 years of Impact.

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And stay tuned as we highlight other areas of impact: research, students/alumni, and commercialization