Food and Agriculture
Research and innovation to ensure the resilience of the world’s food systems
In a world that is becoming more populated, more developed, and more urbanized, food and agriculture systems in developing and developed countries alike face growing threats to their productivity, accessibility, and sustainability. Add the effects of climate change, and these threats to the world’s agriculture and food supplies are compounded. The gravity of these challenges to our global food system drives J-WAFS’ Institute-wide, solutions-oriented approach to research and innovation. To ensure safe and resilient food supplies now and into the future, J-WAFS catalyzes new research, leads transdisciplinary studies, supports commercialization efforts, and fuels cross-institutional collaborations. The results include policy and technology innovations, supply chain interventions, new food safety technologies, and many more.
Examples of our work in this area
Research Highlights
New J-PAL Policy Insight aims to increase small-scale farmers' access to agricultural markets
MIT researchers develop a new method to detect drought stress in crops
J-WAFS PI Sara Beery selected as a Schmidt Sciences AI2050 Fellow
Several J-WAFS PIs work to boost crop resilience in the face of climate change
National crop type maps of India using deep learning and street view imagery