FACT Alliance Executive Committee

Greg Sixt
- Director, Food and Climate Systems Transformation (FACT) Alliance
- Research Manager for Climate and Food Systems
- Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab
Greg Sixt directs the Food and Climate Systems Transformation (FACT) Alliance, an MIT J-WAFS-led global network of leading research institutions and stakeholder organizations working to shorten the link between research and action. Greg is also the Research Manager for Food and Climate Systems on various J-WAFS projects.
Prior to joining J-WAFS, Greg worked at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) in the Institute of Bioenergy, Climate, and Environment and the Center for International Programs. He has extensive consulting experience in the areas of agricultural innovation systems, climate change adaptation in agriculture and water management, water-energy and food-water-energy nexus governance, and foreign aid investment. Greg is a subject matter expert on agricultural knowledge and innovation systems, water governance, food systems transformation, and the climate-food systems nexus.
Greg holds a PhD in Agriculture, Food, and Environment and Water Diplomacy from The Freidman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, a master’s degree in Environmental Science and Policy from Clark University, and bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Vermont.
J-WAFS-funded projects
- Catalyzing sustainable food and climate systems transitions in the Lake Victoria Basin
- The Jameel Index for food trade and vulnerability
- Bilateral Trade Welfare Impacts of India’s Export Ban of Non-Basmati Rice Using the Global Partial Equilibrium Simulation Model (GSIM)
- A new convergent science framework for food system sustainability in an uncertain climate
- Assessing the food security implications of climate change on global food trade
- Why we must connect research to action to solve critical food systems and climate challenges
- Implications on food security in high food importing countries: food import vulnerability in the Gulf cooperation council
- The Jameel Index for Food Trade and Vulnerability launches at World Food Prize
- Director of the J-WAFS-led FACT Alliance discusses beef consumption tradeoffs
- J-WAFS researchers present at MIT’s Tech Reunion
- Members of the J-WAFS community attended COP27 to present on urgent climate concerns
- J-WAFS' Greg Sixt serves as guest speaker for new MISTI course
- New J-WAFS-led project, supported by Community Jameel, combats food insecurity
- J-WAFS World Water Day 2022 Groundwater Podcast
- J-WAFS led FACT Alliance op-ed in new issue of International Affairs Forum: Climate Change and Energy
- J-WAFS launches the Food and Climate Systems Transformation Alliance at COP 26
- J-WAFS’ Greg Sixt discusses food systems resilience to climate crisis at MIT workshop.